
Typical Drosophila vials
Typical Drosophila vials


Flies are typically kept in plastic or glass containers. I strongly recommend polypropylene plastic vials. Glass containers seem to suffer from condensation to a much greater extent. This can prevent the media from adhering to the vial (allowing it to slip when the vial is inverted), and prevent flies from climbing up the side of the vial.

Re-useability is something that we should all aim for, however fruit fly vials get SO 'glued-on' that it is often very messy and time consuming to clean them effectively, and fly keepers often use disposable cups. However, polypropylene plastic vials with straight sides really are the best choice. The media stays in place better, and if soaked and washed with a bottle brush, can be cleaned and reused easily. Conical flasks are just that bit harder to clean. Such containers are somewhat hard to source, but are available from scientific suppliers online.

Vials can be sealed with sponge (you can make your own - though they are somewhat difficult to cut perfectly; but again available online from scientific suppliers), these are good at keeping out mites, and very convenient. Less good options include: cotton wool (cheap, easy, but only good for vials with small openings. Not reuseable.), filter paper (can be damaged when wet) or netting (cheap, reuseable, can allow mites and interbreeding with wild flies). If you use netting, it is best to keep the flies in a cabinet to keep out other flies.

A funnel is critical when transferring flies
A funnel is critical when transferring flies

Handling fruit flies?

Under laboratory conditions flies need to be moved from container to container without any escape. This is performed by anaesthetising the flies with CO2 or ether. This renders them unconscious for a minute or two without damage. Even fully flighted flies can be easily managed in this way. If you have a cylinder of CO2 handy, perhaps for a planted aquarium, try inverting the vial, and introducing a gentle flow of CO2 by inserting a fine tube past the sponge topper. After just a few seconds the flies will fall unconscious. This is where the consistency of the media is essential. If your flies are kept over sloppy media, when it is inverted, media will slide down the side of the container, sticking to flies and potentially falling out. If you use the Sussex miedia (see fruit fly food recipes) it will stay exactly where it should! Tap the container a couple times, and all the sleeping flies will all fall out. No mess, just flies.

Luckily flightless flies are relatively easy to manipulate without CO2, as long as you work quickly. If you have difficulties, 5-8 minutes in a freezer greatly reduces their mobility. But work quickly, because they will wake up soon!

Always use funnels when moving flies from one vial to another. This will largely prevent escape, and allows a vial to be left 'unlidded' with flies still in it. If any do start to walk back up, a gentle tap soon sends them back to their food!

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Flightless Melanogaster fruit fly culture. Free shipping. Freshly seeded!

Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Flightless Melanogaster fruit fly culture. Free shipping.
Freshly seeded single 32oz culture. Condition is New. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Feed ready in 7-10 days from date listed on the culture

"Revolutionize your pet's nutrition with our premium single 32oz producing fruit fly culture! Elevate their diet with a powerhouse of protein-packed goodness that's not only delicious but also nutrient-rich
Experience the convenience of a constant supply of ... more

Flightless Fruit Fly Cultures 4 Pack+ 4 Pack of Hydei Total of 8 CULTURES

Dover, Pennsylvania, 173**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


This 4 pack of Flightless Fruit Fly cultures + 4 Pack of Hydei is the perfect addition to any reptile or dart frog owner's collection. These cultures provide a nutritious and tasty food source for your pets without the hassle of dealing with live insects. The flies are easy to maintain and will last for several weeks, ensuring that your pets are well-fed and healthy.
With free shipping included, this is a great deal that you don't want to miss out on. Whether you're a seasoned reptile owner ... more

Live Big Boy Drosophila Hydei Flightless Fruit Flies Starter Culture Kit

Cleveland, Ohio, 441**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


These big boy hydei fruit flies are perfect for feeding your praying mantis nymphs (babies), dart frogs, tree frogs, small toads, lizards, salamanders, spiders, tropical fish and ants in ant farms. They get as big as pin head crickets
The 32oz breathable container containers a seed colony of about 50 to 100 flies. They will quickly lay eggs and in about two weeks you will have hundreds more to feed your pets. Don't use all the flies you should always save around at least 30 for breeding more... more

Freshly Started Flightless Drosophila Melanogaster Fruit Fly Culture

Lyndhurst, New Jersey, 070**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Drosophila melanogaster are smaller (about 1 / 16 " ) than Drosophila hydei, and are an ideal food for poison dart frogs, fish, praying mantis, young frogs and toads, and other reptiles, amphibians, or captive animals that require small foods... more

Hydei Fruit Fly 16 PACK Cultures Dart Frog Food Reptile Food FREE SHIPPING

Dover, Pennsylvania, 173**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


This 16 pack of Hydei Fruit Fly cultures is the perfect addition to any reptile or dart frog owner's collection. These cultures provide a nutritious and tasty food source for your pets without the hassle of dealing with live insects. The flies are easy to maintain and will last for several weeks, ensuring that your pets are well-fed and healthy.
With free shipping included, this is a great deal that you don't want to miss out on. Whether you're a seasoned reptile owner or a new dart frog ... more