Current Scientific Name:
Fundulopanchax oeseri
Described: (Schmidt), 1928
Common name(s):
Distribution: Equatorial Guinea
Some Recorded Strains:
GEMHS 00-45
Fundulopanchax oeseri comes solely from Bioko Island, 32km from the West African mainland.
Breeding Fundulopanchax oeseri
Have you had any experience breeding this species? Why not fill in a species questionaire
1 other fishkeepers have successfully bred this species and left reports, their results are sumarised below
Long term (fry appear with adults) (100%)Water Conditions:
Moderately soft and acidic (50%)
Moderately hard and alkaline (50%)Temperature:
20-23°C (100%)
Read the full breeding report(s) for Fundulopanchax oeseri is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see
terms and conditions.
Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout *
This hardy, robust killifish is an extremely colorful, excellent specimen for the planted aquarium!
The Blue Gardner's Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri) is an extremely colorful, peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted aquarium. Native ...
Belle Glade, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Introducing the Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Killifish! 1 Male / 1 Female Trio
Are you ready to add a touch of golden elegance to your freshwater aquarium? Look no further than the stunning Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Killifish! With its radiant golden hues and graceful demeanor, this fish is sure to captivate all who behold it
Originating from West Africa, these dazzling beauties are renowned for their vibrant coloration and playful personality. Whether you're a seasoned aquarist or ...
Belle Glade, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Introducing the Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Killifish! 1 Male / 2 Female Trio
Are you ready to add a touch of golden elegance to your freshwater aquarium? Look no further than the stunning Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Killifish! With its radiant golden hues and graceful demeanor, this fish is sure to captivate all who behold it
Originating from West Africa, these dazzling beauties are renowned for their vibrant coloration and playful personality. Whether you're a seasoned aquarist or ...
Fundulopanchax oeseri breeding reports
Each record reproduced here represents one instance of breeding this species. Have you kept and bred Fundulopanchax oeseri? Why not add a breeding report? If you had different results, or used different methods, please share your experiences
How to keep and breed Fundulopanchax oeseri
This database consists of breeding reports provided by the world killifish community, along with some statistical analysis. Results provided by successful keepers are aggregated in the bar charts below, with more detailed reports below that. Like any block of data, the larger the more significant. Please contribute a report of your attempt to breed Fundulopanchax oeseri, even if you have had a negative results. You may, of course, file more than one report, particularly if you change some condition, and had a different result.
breeders have filled in breeding reports, a summary of the results are shown in the graphs below.
Would Fundulopanchax oeseri be a good addition to a community tank?
- Never
- Doubtful, only with VERY calm fish
- Only with species of similar size
- Yes, a good community fish
How would you describe the disposition of Fundulopanchax oeseri?
- Very timid
- Slightly timid
- Neutral
- Somewhat aggressive on occasions
- Very aggressive
In which water conditions do you keep these fish?
- Very soft and acidic
- Moderately soft and acidic
- Neutral
- Moderately hard and alkaline
- Very hard and alkaline
At what average temperature?
- 10-15°C
- 16-19°C
- 20-23°C
- 24-27°C
- 28°C+
What, if any is the biggest difficulty encountered when breeding these fish?
- Poor egg production
- Poor egg survival
- Poor fry survival rate
- Deformities
- Skewed sex ratio
How would you describe sex ratios when breeding Fundulopanchax oeseri?
- Almost all males
- Somewhat male heavy
- Roughly equal
- Somewhat female heavy
- Almost all females
In general, how difficult is Fundulopanchax oeseri to keep and breed?
- Very easy
- Easy
- Average
- Difficult
- Very difficult
How successful have you been at breeding Fundulopanchax oeseri?
- Very unsuccessful
- Fairly unsuccessful
- Average
- Fairly successful
- Very successful
Very successful / fairly successful
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax oeseriWater conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Almost all females
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: Could have been kept warmer, my acidic conditions might be incorrect, as one of my females has had fin rot or fungus problems. A heavily planted tank (java moss and watersprite, in this case) will yield plenty of fry, but if they don't have a place to hide, they will likely be eaten by the adults.
These have been fed mostly crushed pellets (trout chow), as well as worms, daphnia, and scuds when available.
I'd had at least dozens of these make it to adulthood from my original trio. Fun fish, very pretty.
Breeder: Cliff Miller, Seattle (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 20th May 2008
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax oeseriWater conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: I recently got the killie bug again after a long absence. I have watched my father recently raise a fair number of oeseri in a 10 gallon aquarium with an undergravel filter and a large ball of Java moss, so when a pair from a different bloodline came up at auction, I picked them up. They were young, but sexable, and that was two months ago. My setup was even more simple than my father's, as I took an empty and clean 10 gallon aquarium and filled it half way with 2/3 RO water and 1/3 softened water, threw in a huge clump of Java moss and some Riccia, and let the fish fend for themselves. The light on my tank stand is very bright (almost as bright as saltwater setups might use), so I assumed that the plant growth would adequately consume nitrates and oxygenate the water without the need for mechanical filtration.
The fish have been raised almost exclusively on Drosophila melanogaster, with the very rare frozen bloodworm or brine shrimp. I have yet to change the water, and have simply topped off the tank as water evaporates. The water is very clear at all times, although the Java Moss is almost solid in the tank, and Riccia covers about 1/2 the top.
I have recently noticed an absolute explosion of frye in the tank (no, I haven't been overly observant), with what I expect to be 30-50 frye at 1/8-3/16 inches long darting around and eating fruit flies from the top of the tank.
My guess is that the dense plant cover is allowing a large percentage of the frye to escape predation. While I don't know that I would recommend using no filtration and no water changes, I think the method of raising oeseri in a heavily planted tank is one that even a novice killie keeper could find success with. However, I definitely believe that having D. melanogaster available as a staple is a "secret" to success with many of the killies. Hey, if it worked for Jorgen Scheel, why change it?
Breeder: Midwest USA (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 25th June 2009 is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see
terms and conditions.
Hamilton, Michigan, 494**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Real Dad pictured, Real son pictured. Raised for the past 8 months in my own kitchen. He is very very personable follows me around the room. Colors are extremely vibrant he??s very hardy haven??t had any issues. People spot him from across the room! Selling because I have more baby blue gularis fry and need the room. Please reach out if you have any questions I??m happy to help. Highly recommend only keeping in a tank by himself! Minimum tank size 10 gallons but would really appreciate a ...
Mount Morris, Michigan, 484**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Gold Gardneeri young pair! Lyretail Killifish Fundulopanchax
Breather bags:
do not float place fish in tank immediately. If you float fish will suffocate
Regular bag method:
method for acclimation is to place the unopened bag of fish in your aquarium for about 20 minutes to allow the temps to to rise to your tanks temp. Next, get a clean fish net ready. Place it over a bucket. Dump the contents of the bag into the net. Throw old shipping water...
Mount Morris, Michigan, 484**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Gardneeri P82 young pair Lyretail Killifish Fundulopanchax
Breather bags:
do not float place fish in tank immediately. If you float fish will suffocate
Regular bag method:
method for acclimation is to place the unopened bag of fish in your aquarium for about 20 minutes to allow the temps to to rise to your tanks temp. Next, get a clean fish net ready. Place it over a bucket. Dump the contents of the bag into the net. Throw old shipping water ...
Maybrook, New York, 125**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Fundulopanchax Gardneri Killifish 2 pairs Ready to breedRaised by me in my New York fish room
We double bag our fish, treat the water with methylene blue and use compressed pure oxygen in every bag. We line our boxes with styrofoam insulation and pack insulation around our bags. Until the summer heats up we use 72 hour heat pack.
Check out my other listings
We ship Mondays
Live Arrival Guarantee:
We are committed to ensuring that your fish arrive safely and in good health. ...
Maybrook, New York, 125**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
You will get a gorgeous male Fundulopanchax sjoestedti oteri 2021 f2 (blue gularis)
Raised in my fishroom
Check out my other listings
We ship Mondays
Live Arrival Guarantee:
We are committed to ensuring that your fish arrive safely and in good health. Our live arrival guarantee offers peace of mind when purchasing fish from us. Here are the details of our guarantee:
1. Guarantee Period: Upon delivery of your fish, you have a grace period of 2 hours to inspect them and ...
Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout *
This small fish is very peaceful and ideal for both beginners and experts alike, plus it is an excellent addition to the planted aquarium!
The Norman??s Lampeye Killifish (Poropanchax normani) is a peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted ...